Investigating Health & Safety Hazards

Abatement Third-Party Air Monitoring

Xposure Science offers independent third-party air monitoring services during asbestos abatement projects to protect property owners interests and the wellbeing of the building occupants. This required air monitoring also ensures abatement workers are not overexposed to airborne asbestos fibers. We also provide negative exposure assessment (NEA) protocols and services for compliance with Operations and Maintenance Programs.

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A negative exposure assessment demonstrates that employee exposure during an operation is consistently below the exposure limit. Therefore, NEA determination will be based on:

  • Objective data demonstrating that the specific job tasks cannot release airborne asbestos fibers in concentrations exceeding the time-weighed average (TWA) and excursion limit under work conditions having the greatest potential for releasing airborne asbestos fibers
  • Air sampling data collected under similar work conditions for comparison to the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit within 12 months of the authorized activity must demonstrate a high degree of certainty that employee exposures will not exceed the TWA and excursion limit.