Investigating Health & Safety Hazards

Ventilation Survey

Site ImageA ventilation survey is a process of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of a building’s ventilation system. It involves various methods such as measuring airflow rates, air quality monitoring, and pressure differential measurements to ensure proper indoor air quality, occupant comfort, and compliance with regulatory standards. Poor ventilation refers to a condition where the airflow within a space is insufficient or inadequate to maintain a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. It occurs when there is limited exchange of indoor and outdoor air, resulting in a buildup of pollutants, odors, moisture, and stagnant air. Poor ventilation can occur in various settings, including residential, commercial, and public spaces.

Industrial ventilation survey is a process that involves evaluating the air quality in a workplace. Fume hoods are hoods surrounding the process or point where the contaminants are generated. Examples of completely enclosed hoods (all sides enclosed) are glove boxes and grinder hoods. Examples of partially enclosed (two or three sides enclosed) hoods are laboratory hoods or paint spray.

They are various types of ventilation systems in residential, commercial and industrial environments. Examples includes:

  • Dilution and removal by general exhaust
  • Local exhaust
  • Makeup air (or replacement)
  • HVAC (primarily for comfort)
  • Recirculation systems
  • Natural ventilation
  • Mechanical ventilation
  • Energy recovery and heat recovery ventilators